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Up your game with our Publishing and Web3 webinars on 247 TV

Tune into 247 TV Tuesday and Wednesday night at 7pm EST.

Hey fellow music lovers and creators,

Hope your New Year's off to a productive start! We've got some exciting webinars coming up this week that we think you'll love. Before we dive in, if you missed the latest episode of the 247 Podcast that dropped today featuring Grammy nominated multi-disciplinary artist KOKAYI, check that out below. And if you signed up for your free membership already over at 247artists.com but you haven't joined our community space yet, make sure to check your email for an invite! That's where you'll be able to connect with other members, access grants and other member-only opportunities, and get the latest updates on content, tools, and experiences we're developing for the community.

Now let's get to it.First up this week, we've got Music Publishing 101 on Tuesday at 7 EST. This webinar will be all about the ins and outs of music publishing. We will cover the basics of what publishing is and how copyrights work for music, as well as the role of a music publisher in the industry. We will also discuss how you, as an artist or songwriter, can make money through music publishing. Trust us, you don't want to miss out on this one.

Then on Wednesday at 7pm EST, we've got Web3 x Artists. This episode will break down how artists can use innovative technologies like blockchains and NFTs to create new revenue streams and deepen their relationship with fans. From creating a more fair and transparent music industry to new ways of monetizing your art, this one is sure to be a game-changer.

Both of these webinars are part of our 247 TV content series, where we bring you expert insights and practical advice on all things music.

So mark your calendars and join us for some learning and networking with your fellow artists.

See you soon!

247 Artists

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